Banna Beach Kerry Mini Stages |
RALLY NEWS No.2 - Service - Sunday @ 12:24:12 |
RALLY NEWS NO.2 Service/Sunday
1st (4) Mike Quinn/Grainne McEnery (Escort) 7.33
2nd (1) Alan Ring/Adrian Deasy (Lancer N) 7.37
3rd (3) Barry Meade/Liam Moynihan (Escort) 7.39
4th (6) Shane Maguire/Sean Mullally (Impreza N) 7.41
5th (133) Liam McCarthy/Ruth McSweeney (Corolla WRC) 7.46
6th (7) Ed O'Callaghan/Raymond Scott (Escort) 7.49
7th (5) Brian O'Mahony/Richard Talbot (Metro 6R4) 7.50
8th (9) John McQuaid/Seamus O'Connor (Escort) 7.52
9th (19) Tommy Mason/Podge Doody (Escort Mk1) 7.58
10th (21) Kieran Daly/Keith Moriarty (Citroen C2R2) 8.10
(26) Desi Henry/Niall Burns (Citroen C2R2) 8.10
The above leaderboard is provisional – there is a 30s query on Liam McCarthy’s time.
Mike Quinn was fastest through the stage and he said that the roads were slippy in places especially towards the finish of the stage. No.1 seed Alan Ring reinforced that view and he said. “I’m happy enough with my run but it was slippy towards the end especially at the chicane”. Liam McCarthy found that out to his cost as he banged the front of his Corolla WRC into one of the bales. Barry Meade said he kept everything neat and tidy. Brian O’Mahony seemed to lose a f3ew seconds. He felt that his Metro 6R4 had a puncture.
Fergus O’Meara in the Dairymaster Escort dropped a bit of time as he felt something breaking in the rear suspension set up half way through the stage. David Percy’s Escort Maxi was stopped at the stage finish with steam coming out of the front and there was a suggestion that the car had banged into a bale. Vincent O’Shea is still on a learning curve in his newly acquired ex Thomas Fitzmaurice Lancer and his time was 8.14. Ed O’Callaghan had a very respectable time despite being in extreme discomfort as he hurt his back last night and can hardly walk.
There was no sign here at service in control of Eugene Meegan’s Lancer Evo 10. There is a report that the car is stopped at stage finish and Eugene was out of the car and examining a wheel. Kieran Daly and Desi Henry in their respective Citroen C2R2s tied for 10th in the stage and Daly said that “Great grip in some place, none in others, very patchy”. Kevin O’Connor was well down the time sheets. He is out for the first time in the ex Marty McCormack Citroen C2R2 and he reported a very big moment at a jump early in the stage, then thought the car had a puncture but that turned out to be a load of mud in a wheel rim.
Finally for now our congratulations to Brian Duggan and his wife Natasha on the birth of their first baby, a 7lb8oz boy who has been named Ronan. Happily all are well.
More news later: BRIAN & LIZ PATTERSON www.rallynews.net